Happy New Year.
Is it though? What changes overnight that we all excitedly stay up to watch a ball drop from the sky? We drink and we toast. We hug and kiss those around us and we celebrate, what again exactly? A New Year of the same old shit. Aren't the problems the same?
Now there are resolutions that we need to stick to and routines that we say we will change. We will lose weight, we will eat better, exercise, do better, be better. Lies we tell ourselves, right?
We just added 365 more days of stress and pressure to do all these new things just to resort back to all the other things that didn't change. The same routine as yesterday.
Or are we celebrating the end of the holidays? Ready to move into a new year of ignoring friends and relatives because our own lives are so busy? What are your resolutions? What do you see for your new year? Will you be a new an improved version of you or will you still be the person you were yesterday? Humans. Silly creatures of habit.
I will be a better me than I was yesterday. So, what does that mean?
My resolution is to stop letting myself down.
I will let love be my compass.
To stop underselling my talents and value as a person.
To stop saying yes to things that no longer serve my highest good.
I am going to take better care of myself, because I have learned today may be the healthiest I will be, no matter the health challenges I face every day.
The challenges may be inconvenient, they may slow me down, but they will not stop me.
The problems that plagued me in 2024, will be dealt with but they will no longer control me.
I will respect my boundaries and be comfortable in my own skin.
I will be forgiving so that others will forgive me if needed.
I will walk without fear and anxiety, and on the days that it drives me back into an old version of me, I will be more forgiving to myself for returning to an old pattern that I am trying to break.
I will be helpful to others with no expectation of anything in return, but I won't be ashamed to ask for it in return should I need it.
I will continue to love and support those around me. I want to be an example for others to give and receive kindnesses. I want to walk with positive thoughts of abundance and love.
I will be open to receiving and giving love in my interactions with others.
I will be solution focused rather than complaining and fighting about the "problems" in life.
I will trust my inner voice. I will do the things the universe requires of me to become the person I am meant to be. I will follow the path to my life's destiny.
I will continue to be thankful for my successes, my failures, my family and friends, my talents and to all the people in my life that support me.
And most importantly, I will continue to listen to my soul, I remain firm in my faith, and I will continue to hold onto hope's hand until it is time for me to go back to the great source of this Earthly home.
Do I know what's in store for me in 2025? No, I don't. But I do have new dreams with possibilities all around me. Life is full of choices in the pursuit of happiness and abundance, may I choose the ones that are right for me.
I want to surround myself with people who have a burning desire for life, like me.
I don't want to be this old this soon. I haven't peaked yet and there is still much to do. Choices will need to be made and not everyone will see a vision of possibility but there will be others that do. May I find the peace and courage within myself to do all the things I have been sentenced here to do, and may I do them with grace, patience and understanding that it will be worth the rewards in the end.
I will be the change I want to see in the world.
I will carry my challenges like a solider and I will celebrate my wins like a Queen.
I will love myself and others the way I want to be loved, honestly but without resentments and blame.
I will walk away from conflict rather than engage in it.
I will remember that I am only responsible for me and the way I respond to any challenge before me; It is up to only me. I will make 2025 my bitch!
Happy New Year!! Let's celebrate the past that falls behind us and celebrate the path in front of us and let us celebrate those that are always around us. That is a New Year to celebrate indeed! A new day, a new year, a new opportunity, a new mindset; Let us revive life in 2025!
May love and light shine upon you all in your adventures in 2025.
