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The mirror


Updated: Feb 3

Why is it so easy to believe in negative over the positive?

Why do we believe the worst about ourselves?

There are people who love us and people who hate us and then the ones who are indifferent because they don't know us.

But do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself the way others tell you they see you? Do you look inside to see what it is about "me" that make people feel a certain way?

I'm told it's my face. That I'm intimidating. That I am badass. That I'm a bitch?

I'm also told that I'm kind, beautiful and smart.

So which words am I supposed to believe? Why not the ones that make me feel good? Why do we let one person's opinion destroy us? According to the internet, and if it's on the internet it must be true, right... anyway, there are approximately 8 billion on this earth and there is one here or there that may not vibe with me as a person. And that is the opinion my inner self holds onto. When in life do we program our brains to turn against us?

So, I did an exercise just to see who it is when people see me. Every day for a month, I would look in the mirror and picture myself as if I were the "other" person looking at me. I would choose someone different each time. It was not always a pleasurable experience.

But I have learned a lot about me by doing this. I've also learned that we all human, and we don't always act as we should. We have stressors and families and jobs and social concerns; but what I've learned is that we don't meet people where they are, we meet them where we are.

And most times, when we are, maybe not the best example of behavior in situation, or crisis, or we suffer in our mental health, we may struggle with health diagnosis, and loss.... all experienced in a way that either had a positive or negative impact on our being but not experienced the same way by two people. Who exactly am I in any given situation? Am I ever the same me twice?

If you are one of those people who meets each and every person you come across with positivity and kindness, you are an angel among the imperfect and have been given the purpose to help heal those than cannot do the same in their struggles. May you receive the kindness in return should you ever find yourself at rock bottom.

To those of you that have met rock bottom and are hanging on by a thread, don't lose hope.

I will meet you where you are, and I will sit with you until you are ready to rise again.

And should you meet me here, come sit with me awhile but please don't stay. I've been here before and I will be okay when I'm ready. I don't need you to save me, I only ask that you love me as a fellow human and consider that I may be

feeling like I'm at capacity and can no longer hold on. I'm not saying it is right, I am saying it is human to be imperfect and still deserve love. I'm saying it is an inevitable part of the journey.

I haven't always known who I am, and I still don't know who I am to be, but never for a moment have I ever been anyone but authentically me. I am human. I am flawed and imperfect, but I am me. I am both positive and negative. I am both light and dark. I am both feminine and masculine. I AM.

My energy is based by intention and intuition, and I've learned, when it comes to trusting myself, that is love that allows me to meet you right where we are.

If I was anything but a blessing, that means I was sent to you to be a lesson.

If our energy meshed and our interaction was a blessing, then I have done what I was sent here to do and that was to love you.

I am Aquarius and I fight for the greater good; and that starts within. So, I will be the change I want to see in the world, but that doesn't mean that I will always agree with you or that I think I'm always right.

But it does mean I will try to be a better human from each interaction by being who I was sent here to be. I will fight for myself and will not back down at the cost of what is right and just not just for myself but for humanity, even if it means that I believe in myself over others. I will defend those that can't defend themselves and I will be the example of love whether our beliefs are the same or not. I will not judge you for being you. I ask that you take a breath and look me in the eyes, "Who do you see reflecting back at me?"

Our eyes are the mirror to our souls and when you actually stop and look, you will see we are here to do the same thing. Our purpose is the same.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Who do you see?"

Love and acceptance start with Self. To heal oneself, allows us to heal others.

With love and light,


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