Disclaimer: This will probably be my longest and most personal post.
My poetry is based around the journey I am on to self-reflection and personal growth into becoming a better person. Exploring past and present experiences with new perspective on how things might not have been exactly how I remember or how I could have been a better person in that moment. Maybe this is my way of righting the wrongs of my heart or to create an opportunity to right a wrong I have done to someone else. Each piece has been written by a better version of me rather than the person I was in each human moment.
Which brings me to these moments. Moments we live through our own narrative.
Some we like, some we don't. We go through moments of change and challenges. We have moments of love and moments of heartbreak. We experience highs and lows around families, careers, friendships. Every encounter with a stranger is a moment by design.
The broken dreams we missed, the dreams we never knew we had. A person doesn't change overnight, we change with the choices we make during any given moment.
The tone of our voice, the language of our bodies. Always putting on a different version of ourselves in each moment. These moments create the poetry of our lives.
Humans are poetry in motion.
Ha! Now had you met me 3+ years ago, I would have laughed at that thought. People are annoying, right? And people who know me would have laughed at the thought of me being a poetry writer or a blogger. But life has a funny way of bringing a person around to finding a bigger purpose. It's how we respond to the call that determines if we ever fulfill that purpose. I answered the call.
I say this not because I'm not a nice person. I'm just not known to be a sensitive person.
It is true, I am hard and factual. My RBF is perfection and yes, I am kind of a bitch... and if you provoke me, well, shame on you. I know what other people say and honestly, I am at the point in my life where the only opinion about me that matters is mine.
So, if you would like to know who I am, I would say I am hellfire and a breath of fresh air on any given day. I am human, I am not perfect, and I don't try to be. I just try to be authentic.
I wish people understood that I am a living reflection of them and them of me, we are a living reflection of each other. My face really doesn't say it all because the energy I pick up from you is the energy you will receive in return. As humans, we are in this together and what we unknowingly put out is exactly what we receive in our own life. I have to say I have experienced an abundant balance of both.
Life brings a person an experience. An experience brings growth and growth brings wisdom. It is in the wisdom that my poetry was born. Since I am not musically inclined, poetry it is. Every poem feels like a song on my heart that needs to be sung. Music is poetry set to a catchy melody in my humble opinion. But I also believe music is for those that have real talent, j/s.
The same can be said for books and art. These are forms of communication meant to help a person feel understood or comforted in moments that make up life. The sharing of experiences to let others know they are never alone. We may not really know how someone else feels but we can find words to express feelings and to help feel connected in our times of celebration and sorrow.
In my poetry, I use images and words that describe moments I have explored outside of my human ego and reflect back on from an impartial perspective from inside the emotional, mental and spiritual sides of life's human experience. Music and nature are my areas of comfort and are used within my poetry as indicators of never-ending love, acceptance and belonging. These things will never make you feel bad about yourself. Sometimes, it is necessary to the mind to slow down, breathe in and see the poetry and beauty in living that surround all of us.
In closing, we all have something to give this world. We all have a purpose. I believe my purpose is to bring comfort, lessons and blessings through my poetry to any human that feels alone. I see you; I hear you; I feel you.
Don't be afraid to live in every moment and you too, will have a life in rhymes.
